22 November 2007

Thanksgiving 2007...

Since myself and the fiance are headed down to get married next week in St. Croix, we decided that this year, Thanksgiving would be at the house here in the Dirty "D". We sort of went back and forth on where we should get food. I was ALL for Boston Market, having had a decent outing with them back during Thanksgiving of 2002. The fiance on the other hand, wanted something fancier. Somehow, I talked her into the Boston Market route, and that was pretty much decided.

Then, this morning we received a brainstorm. Why not go and check out Whole Foods? I'm sure that they'll have some good chow available for purchase, and it is a little fancier than Boston Market, but not a $150 dollar dinner at some fancy restaurant. We were pleasantly surprised at what they had at the old Whole Foods. We were looking at some decent roast turkey, stuffing, cranberries, root vegetables, brussel sprouts, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, and of course, some gravy that we had at home. To keep with the Thanksgiving tradition, and in keeping with what was thrown down in the form of liquid in the colonial times, we decided to polish off dinner with some hard apple cider. Got to have some alcohol in there somewhere to keep things hopping. Since we got to the market a little late, and all of the pumpkin pie had been taken away by previous customers, we had to "settle" for apple pie with ice cream, and caramel sauce to top it off. Yeah, that's right, it's a proper Thanksgiving feast, and the best part of it all? We didn't have to cook it, and only had a few dishes to clean up after the eating was all done (that we haven't really done yet, but we will sometime before the end of this weekend probably). On tap for the rest of the day? The fiance was talking about going for a walk, but I'm down on that. No walking needed here, just more food, and maybe some pie. Right now, as I write this, we're watching the Ghost Hunters marathon, which will be followed up by a movie festival. On the movie line-up for this evening, we've got Knocked Up, The Queen, and I'm sure at some point in time, the fiance will no doubt sneak in a viewing of Love Actually, just because that's what's normally done at her house. Some traditions just have to carry over I guess.

Anyway, Happy Thanksgiving to all of our friends, and especially to our families. We can't wait to see everyone next weekend! And for those of you who can't come, we will miss you when we're in St. Croix for our nuptials.

Check out the pictures of this afternoon's Thanksgiving Dinner. It's pretty damn good stuff.

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