I have not...
...been a good writer and or contributor to my own blog lately. I'm going to change that again, no really, I am. Yeah, I know, put some new stuff up on this piece of shit for crying out loud. I'm trying. No really, I'm trying. it's late, or early actually, depending on how you look at it. And one of the only things George W. Bush has done right (at least in my humble opinion) is about to end. Yes, we're back on standard time here, well, now actually. It's fall back time again, and since Congress passed a law that made Daylight Saving Time start earlier this year, they also extended it to last longer, and that all came to an end, about the time I started writing this entry. So now, instead of it being 2 in the morning, it's 1 in the morning. If I were a drinking man, I'd still have a couple more hours to drink at the bars, but I don't do much of that any longer, so as soon as I finish this, it's off to bed.
What have I been up to lately? Well, you might have seen some of the pictures. There was an accident. I got hurt. Had some metal placed into my body, and I've been trying to heal and feel better for these last few weeks. And I am feeling better. The shoulder is stiff in places, and hard to move, and I am still in the contraption known as the Ultrasling II (those that have seen me know what I'm talking about), and it's hard to not have use of your dominant arm. Physical therapy starts on Monday though, and I'm looking forward to that, because that means that hopefully full recovery isn't too far behind, and I can start riding again hopefully before the New Year rolls into effect. We'll see.
Other than the aforementioned arm, there is always work. I won't get into that too much. I spend enough time railing on about that as it is. I know, I know, quit. I'm working on that, don't worry. I have a plan, and if all works out well, it will be quitting time in the near future I am hoping.
Most of the time now is being spent on getting ready for my wedding. I am getting excited for this event. It's going to be a great time. The problem I ran into today though, is that for some reason all of the stores around here seem to not have the size suit that I need, and or want. I went to Men's Wearhouse. They have probably thousands of suits in there. Do you think that they have one suit in my size that has a flat front pair of pants with it? Nope. Do they even have a single suit in their entire store with a flat front pair of pants in there? Again, the answer is most assuredly no. I don't get this. I'm not fashion maven, but pleated pants suck ass. Yeah, I know, I'm sounding a little gay here (not that there is anything wrong with that of course), but it irks me to no end. I spent almost 5 hours today, looking for a suit, and not finding one. Men's Wearhouse, Dillards, Nordstrom, Macy's, Banana Republic, J-Crew, and just about any other store you can think of. Not one store had a single suit in my size. Well, this is not entirely true. The fiance and I went to one last store, and we found one that was in my size, in the color that I want, and in the pattern that I want. Problem is, the price tag on this bad boy was over $2000. I look at the maker, yeah, Armani. Next store please. What is most likely going to happen is that I'm going to have to order one tomorrow via the internets, and their magical tubes, and hope that it gets to me in a short amount of time. I would have gone suit shopping sooner, but I've only recently been able to move my arm/shoulder around enough to actually try suits on. Ah well.
Time to crawl into bed, or in my case, hit the couch. No, the fiance and I aren't having problems, but since I have to wear the Ultrasling II to bed at night, I have to sleep in a reclined position, and the couch offers me this position. The only problem with that is our orange feral cat likes to swipe at my feet all night, and then chase our other cat throughout the house, and then maybe he'll head over to the litter box to drop some knowledge in there, and stink the place up. It's not the stink that gets me though, it's his scratching. You see, our orange cat is a bit OCD. He'll take a steaming dump, and then spend 20 minutes covering it, re-covering it, and then covering everything else around it. He covers things by scratching, loudly, for about 20 minutes. He does this every single time he either takes a piss, or takes a dump. When you're trying to sleep on a somewhat uncomfortable couch without the benefit of pain medication, it can be a bit trying, and grating on the old nerves, but I digress. You'd think since we saved this cat from certain death, he'd be a little more appreciative of our efforts, but no. He's a bastard, and will continue to be from here on out.
Nighty night folks. Don't forget to turn your clocks back when you get your ass out of bed in the morning.
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