11 November 2007

Can she do anything right???

OK, first, let me state this fact for myself. I am no fan of Hillary Clinton. Do I think that she is a smart woman? Yes. Do I think she is a good Senator? Yes. Do I think she wants to serve her country to the best of her ability? Yes. Do I agree with everything she does, and how she votes? Absolutely not. I just wanted to throw that disclaimer out there. And for myself, right now, I'm planning on voting for Dennis Kucinich, mostly, because Senator Clinton isn't anywhere near enough of a liberal for me to vote for.

Now that I have that out of the way...

I know that the right wing noise machine for years have been hounding her, and her husband. Apparently now though, there isn't anything that she can do right I don't think. Some of you may have heard about the little story this week about how she went to an Iowa Maid-Rite sandwich shop. Her, and the Senator's posse had some lunch, shook some hands, met some people. You know, regular campaigning shit. Now for some reason, there was a story, that wasn't verified, that she and her people didn't leave a tip for the wait staff at the sandwich shop. Bear in mind, Maid-Rite is a lot closer to a fast food place, then even a casual type of restaurant (say like a damn TGI Friday's, or some other bad chain restaurant). Maid-Rite is what they like to call a "loose meat" sandwich shop. I once worked with a guy from Iowa who swore by them, said they were good, and I have no doubt if I lived in Iowa, I'd probably be there every other day, but that's not why I'm writing this little ditty.

Back to the story. So, apparently, according to the journalists covering Clinton on the campaign trail, she didn't leave a tip, and her staffers didn't leave a tip after they were done and had vacated the place, and hit the road to kiss some more ass. Now, this was pretty major stuff (according to the media at least), with most of the major media outlets, including my favorite, NPR (who actually broke the "story" so to speak), reporting on this, and how this was, or could be another "scandal" in the making for Hillary Clinton and her campaign. The only problem with this whole story, was the mere fact that, it wasn't true. Not one word of it. Turns out, the campaign actually left a rather hefty tip for the workers there. On an alleged $157 bill, a $100 tip was left. I'd say, that was pretty good, and not really out of line for someone who is famous coming into your place, turning it into a circus, and then heading out. When a Presidential candidate (the frontrunner nonetheless for the Democratic nomination) rolls into your place, there are a large amount of folks who come with. Along with the dumb assed journalists. 

For a day, this is what I heard when I tuned into the radio for news, and this is what I read on the internet when I read the news. Did I hear reports about the "war" going on in Iraq, or anything much else for that matter. Of course, there were other news stories going on, but this one lead, especially on FoxNews, who is really not so much of a news station, but more of a conservative republican cheerleader. They don't really report news, they report news editorially, and then pass it off as news. There is a big difference there. 

As I mentioned, the story about stiffing a fast food joint, not true. Go back to the link that I posted at the top. Now, apparently, because her campaign DID leave a tip, this is also news. FoxNews has decided that leaving a big tip, instead of no tip is apparently just as bad as leaving nothing at all, or even doing the old "chew and screw" (for those of you not in the know, chew and screw is eating somewhere and then leaving without paying). This, they equate with, get this new term they created, Learjet Liberalism (upgraded from just plain old Limousine Liberalism from a few years back). 

This is why, I don't think, and can't imagine Senator Clinton getting a fair shake from, well, anyone within the media. As I said before, I'm no fan, but I would like to see some coverage of the candidates, ALL of the candidates, the focuses on, you know, what they stand for, what their positions are, what their plans are, and so on. I don't give a rat's ass if they left a tip or not at some obscure restaurant out in Iowa. And apparently, the waitress allegedly in the middle of this whole thing doesn't give a rat's ass either. She actually called all of the media "crazy", and you know what? That's probably the most true thing I've heard said in this election cycle so far. The funniest thing about this whole business is, is that Senator Clinton gets chastised for days on this, and still is getting chastised for days on this, and the media apparently have not ignored, but marginalized that one of Rudy Giuliani's closest advisers was indicted for doing some business for the mafia, and a few other bits and pieces of fraud, with a few felonies tossed in for good measure and all. Oh, don't forget that Rudy once provided Bernie Kerik's name to George W. Bush as someone who would be good to run the Department of Homeland Security. 

I'm pretty sure that I'm not the only one out there this year, or in year's past who would wish that the journalists would first, ask hard questions. I'm sure I'm not the only one out there this year, or in year's past who would wish that journalists would actually, you know, do their job a little better, and stop looking for stupid inane little bullshit that doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things at all. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that ALL journalists are no good at their job. Of course, there are some good ones out there. Unfortunately, they are few and far between. Wake up you guys. Start working it, start asking the tough questions. Stop looking for stupid shit. Do the job, get the truth, get the story. Do us all a favor, and just take care of business. I'm waiting for it to happen, it's just that I'm not going to hold my breath anytime soon.

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