17 November 2007

Really too good to NOT post...

This is really too good to not stick up here.

This is why I think that this comic is too good to not place it up here. If you read through it, and see what these comic characters are saying, it makes me chuckle. It makes me chuckle, because taking arguments from republicans sort of out of context, and placing them in a comic strip makes them sound even more insane than they really are in the real world, and yet, we have the republican candidates, and essentially the President of the United States saying these things about the Democratic party. It drives me nuts. They paint us as un-American, troop hating, and in some cases, treasonous, because you know, we might want the President to follow the Constitution and silly little things like that. And apparently, as I've been told about a million times on political commentary boards that I sometimes write on, and place comments on, if you hate George W. Bush, you're un-American, and you hate America. No, seriously, this is what people have told me before. Crazed right wingers of course, part of that 30% of the country who actually think W is doing a hell of a job out there. It makes my head spin really. 

The best medicine for all of that is going to be when Hillary gets elected President of the US. I can't wait for that to happen, mostly because the right wing attack machine will fall all over itself trying to slander her, and find anything, and I do mean anything, that they can take her down with. You guys think it was bad when Bill was President, wait until Hillary is elected. Holy shit. I don't even like Hillary, and don't want her to be the democratic nominee for President, but if she does become the nominee, and if she wins, I am going to sit back, and grin. Mostly because it is the Republican party's worst nightmare, absolute worst nightmare if she gets into the White House. I think that she can do the job, no doubt about it, and she'll have some pretty good experience waiting for her in the Lincoln Bedroom every night, and someone that can provide some sage advice, having been there before, but I really wish we could get that little leprechaun Dennis Kucinich elected to be President. Man, that would make my day. I'd also love to see Russ Feingold become President, but he declined to run this year. I am constantly impressed by Russ Feingold's actions as a Senator from the great State of Wisconsin. They're lucky to have him there, and I hope that they know this.

What was I saying again? Oh yeah, the cartoon. Tom Tomorrow is a great one for progressives. If you're a right winger, the humor will no doubt go way over your head. I recommend that you check them out though.

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