25 November 2007

Back to work...

Yeah, I know it's Sunday. Yeah, I know it's the end of a long weekend. Yeah, I know I shouldn't be going into work today, and yet, I am. What the hell do I owe these people anyway? The short answer is, well, nothing. I shouldn't even do what I'm supposed to do, and just let them get flamed by one of our customers who is coming into the plant while I'm away on the wedding trip. That would be pretty sweet. But knowing my company like I do, I'm pretty certain that I would get blamed, solely blamed, for our lack of success with this particular customer, mostly because we have a ton of quality issues, and well, I'm a quality engineer. Like I can affect that much change. I'm just a peon really. No, really, I am. With the amount that most of the people who I work for listen to me, I'm even less than than.

And yet, here it is, Sunday morning, around 11AM, after being up most of the night (went to bed at 6AM after watching many bad movies a ruminating about a lot of things I won't write about here), and I'm getting ready to toss the work shoes on, grab my bag, and go. At least I got a decent breakfast sandwich of my own making, and I did get some blinds up on the side door of the house, so the day is not totally wasted. I have to do a ton of laundry before I can even start packing for the wedding, and well, I don't know really when I'm going to do that. Probably this evening, when I again, can't sleep. Oh, and the main reason I'm heading out to work today, I have another PT appointment tomorrow that I have to go to in the morning, so I'll miss part of the day anyway. Good times, really good times.

Anyway, I'm going to stop the complaining now, and hit the road. I hope that my iPod doesn't die on me again today. I ran out of battery juice yesterday, and that wasn't a pretty scene right there. The upside, is that, I can get a shit ton of work done when there is nobody there bothering me, the phone isn't ringing, and the boss isn't hovering (yes, he's a hoverer for sure). Time to hit the road, more later about this debacle that I call work.

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