29 October 2007

For the holiday...

Just in time for the holiday, please see the Chuck O'Lantern below:

And remember, if you can't see Chuck Norris, you may be just seconds away from death.

In other news updates, the Red Sox won the World Series. It's a good time in New England to be a sports fan. A couple of World Series titles, a few Super Bowls, and if we could get the Celtics, and the Bruins back in good running shape, we'd be even better off, but I say don't get greedy.

Tomorrow, I'm going for a follow up on the surgery, I'll post the post surgical results here at some point in time. Things are feeling better actually, and I think that they're healing well. I'm totally off the pain meds, and back to work (being back to work is the bad thing, I enjoyed my time off there for a little while, even though I didn't get to do much of anything aside from watch a lot of movies, and seasons 1 and 2 of Alias).

It's late, can't sleep for some reason, well, sort of tired, so I'm gonna go lay down now. More tomorrow.

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21 October 2007

Surgery results...

See picture below of the surgery results...

Nice eh?

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16 October 2007

Turns out...

Turns out that the shoulder break is bad enough that they want to cut me tomorrow. So I'll be undergoing surgery sometime tomorrow, details to come later on this little thing. We'll see what shakes loose.

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13 October 2007

Got nailed...

So got hit by a car last night riding the bike. Result: broken scapula. Pictures are forthcoming as soon as I can get them from el doctor.

That is all for now as I have to type with one hand only...