Anonymous said...
If you really hate america so much why don't you just leave! Russia's middle class and black market are thriving, Canada's broken health care system is improving the quality of life, and the human rights of our chinese friends is a shining beacon on the hill. But you won't because America is still the best country in the world.
Iraq is the central front in the war on terror, leaving now would could destroy us, and the terrorist would win. Come up with a plan besides cut and run or shut up. if you don't understand that freedom isn't free than america is no place for you or you're opinions. You shouldn't even be allowed to speak.
See the above comment that I had from my last post (you know, the one before this one). This one of course has been sticking in my craw for the most reason because it is every single republican talking point about people who don't like the war, or this current administration, that has been going around since, oh, 2001 or later. I feel like I need to speak to this comment mostly because it is wrong, and the person who wrote it, is wrong.
#1: I don't hate America. I hate George W. Bush, and I hope for him to be gone from the White House as soon as possible. Unfortunately, there is this little document standing in the way of him leaving right now, and it's called the Constitution which says that the President shall have a maximum of 2 four year terms as President, unless they are impeached (I could only hope), or said President resigns (not going to happen mostly because he's a stubborn arse). I don't hate America. I actually quite enjoy living here. Although I can't compare it with anywhere else because this is the only place that I live. I hope to someday move to another country to experience different cultures, different people, and to expand my world view, but I do believe I'll always remain living in America, because it is indeed the best country in the world, I think, and many others think as well. So myself and the unknown commenter can agree at least on this one point, that indeed, the US of A is the best country in the world. Although I highly doubt that Mr. or Mrs. Unknown has lived anywhere aside from their parents' basement, maybe my friendly commenter should move around somewhere else as well, and maybe get a better grasp of what might be happening outside of the US, and indeed see for himself whether or not this IS the best country in the world.
Russia, not a place I'd like to live ever.
Canada, I would live there. Indeed, their "broken" health care system does indeed work, for the mere fact that ALL Canadians have health care coverage regardless of creed, wealth levels, or place in society. What's so bad about that? I'm sure it's not perfect, but at least when someone is sick, they can go and have it taken care of, unlike the US, where there are millions of people (mostly lover socio-economic class) that don't have health care, and can't afford health care. Oh, and every other democratic country in the world has a single payer health care system, in other words, socialized medicine, and gasp! Their economic systems and health care has not collapsed and been doomed. There is no reason, none at all, if America is indeed the greatest country in the world as you espouse, that we shouldn't have every single person in this country covered by an all encompassing health care system. Are we or are we not the last remaining world superpower? And we can't get everyone health care? Now that's just sad. Take the $500+ billion we have dumped down the drain in Iraq, and that would have fixed the health care system, and other innumerable issues facing the US, but I digress. I still like living here. Just because there are things that need to be corrected, and fixed, doesn't mean I hate America. It means I want to make it a better place for everyone (in my opinion and views), and if I leave the country, what kind of American would I be? Not wanting to stay around and debate issues, and try to fix things that I think are broken.
We the United States have also had some black marks placed onto our record as far as human rights go in the past few years. Extraordinary rendition anyone? Taking people to countries that will torture them because we won't do that on our own soil? That's pretty freakin' bad. Gitmo? Anyone? Stashing people away, saying that they're "bad" people with little or no proof at all? When do those people get trials? When do they get justice? Will they ever see a lawyer? And we're trying to be the bringer of light? The shining beacon? Mr. Bush, and his cadre of criminals have dimmed the light, and turned off the beacon since 2001.
How would leaving Iraq now "destroy us" as you so put it before? Is there some huge Muslim army waiting to invade the US? Why is Iraq the central front on the war on terror? As has been reported, investigated and debunked many times since our invasion in 2003 (and actually before as well), Iraq did not harbor terrorists who were trying to attack the US. Iraq became the central front for the war on terror simply because we invaded a country that posed no threat to this country. When we did that, we opened up the largest and most vast training grounds for terrorists and mujahadeen in the world. The small percentage of Muslims who identify themselves as radicals came flooding into Iraq to shoot at Americans. There have been many plans other than your so-called "cut and run" and President Bush has disregarded them all every step of the way. You tell me. How does sending in more troops help the situation when study after study, and general after general has said that more troops just won't do the trick? How? I proposed cut and run? No. That's just false. I never wanted to go in the first place. I suggest you read the following 2 books. Ghost Wars, and Fiasco. Containment of Saddam Hussein was working even better than we thought it was. His military was basically shut down, they had little functioning equipment, no air support, and not many loyal troops. Our no fly zones in the North and South and sanctions were working. Saddam Hussein, and Iraq posed no threat at all to the United States. They didn't support terrorism (since terrorism is a fundamentalist belief and Iraq, under Saddam was generally a secular country), and they couldn't mount an effective offensive against anyone in the world, let alone the US. How are the terrorists going to destroy us? Answer me that. They're not.
Militarily, they can't inflict enough damage on a country the size of the US to even make a dent. They don't have enough followers, or near enough power to invade the US and "destroy us" as you so say. We have been cowed into a fear by this administration that the terrorists are hiding behind every corner. That they're out to get us. They're going to destroy our cities. At best, they could only hope for another 9/11 tragedy. And even then, how many Americans were lost in those attacks? Under 3000. It was a large loss of life, and again a tragedy, but statistically, you have a better chance falling in your shower and getting killed that way, than you do from being killed by a terrorist attack. Please, get real. The chances of a common person in the US getting killed by a terrorist is so astronomically low, the percentage is just about 0%. Statistically speaking, it's not going to happen to the 99.999995% of people living in the US. We've been sold fear, and most people, such as yourself, have lapped it up.
Freedom is not free? Again, I ask how Iraq was threatening our freedom? I figured you wouldn't have an answer. I know freedom is not free. I have had relatives serve in the armed services, and they have actually protected this country when indeed, we have been actually threatened. Iraq, was not a threat. If we really wanted a good target in the middle east post 9/11, we should have rallied against Pakistan after taking out Afghanistan. Why? Pakistan my friend is one small military coup away from being a highly radical Islamic nation that already has nuclear weapons. And they continue through back channels to support the resurgence of the Taliban in Afghanistan, and supported them when they were in power, and helped to hide away Osama Bin Laden.
Also, if Iraq was so important Osama must have been hiding there right? That's why we invaded, because they were harboring Bin Laden? Oh wait, no, he's probably in Pakistan (see above paragraph). Why haven't we caught the mastermind of 9/11? Because the Bush administration has actually ignored the fight against terrorists in lieu of invading Iraq (for no good reason) and wasting our resources there.
Oh, and I hate to break it to you Ms. Unknown, but the vast majority of this country now agree with my position of taking troops out now, and ending this war in Iraq. And also Mr. Bush is now a lame duck President with approval ratings in the low 30's and some ratings say into the high 20's. Public opinion now more and more agrees with me, and less and less with you. So maybe YOU should leave this country? As it no longer supports your world view in general.
People like me shouldn't be allowed to speak? What in the hell are you talking about? That's how you want to run a democracy? You want to pick and choose who gets to talk? Who gets to state their opinions? That would be great. You know, we call that a dictatorship, and if America turns into that, which it won't, then I would be leaving town. Luckily, for me, and for you, we can spout off just about anything we want, because we do have the 1st amendment in that pesky little document called the Constitution again. You know, that little scrap of paper that seems to keep getting in the way of King George from actually just doing what he wants when he wants (even though he pretty much does already). I'm glad that we live in a country where everyone can have their opinions and make them known. I'm even glad that you get to talk your nonsense, even though you can't back your arguments with actual facts most of the time I'm guessing, you still get to have an opinion, and that's a wonderful thing.
Luckily, I disagree with you on just about everything. Luckily for me, the majority of residents in the United States agrees with me. I say it's a good thing that Bush is in office for another 2 years, because come 2008, whoever wins the nomination for the democratic party will be ensured a victory, and we will take back the White House. And on one last note, I do wish that Bush's strategery would actually work, and that peace could reign in Iraq, but you know, I'm not going to hold my breath.
If you wish to post comments on here, please do so, I won't make that impossible to do. But if you're just going to pour forth from your mouth Dick Cheney's favorite talking points, save your breath. Come up with a coherent (and properly spelled) argument, and we can debate, but until then, maybe you should just shut up? It's just a thought, as I hear your talking points over and over again in the media everyday, and it's getting tiring. Do you have an independent thought in your head? Or do you just repeat the daily Rush Limbaugh show and take his point of view as gospel? Because that's what it sounds like to me really. And remember, as one of our founding fathers once said, "Opposition to tyranny is patriotic."
Oh, and one last point, do yourself a favor, and actually read the Constitution. It might be a good wake up call for you.
Labels: Anonymous, Bush, The Constitution