Over this past weekend, we saw a man in Pittsburgh call the police to his home, only to be laying in wait for them inside. When they arrived, he shot 2 in the head, and killed another officer at the scene, wounding 1 or 2 more during his onslaught. There is still an on-going investigation into these killings, but one of the main reasons coming out as to WHY he did this? He was afraid that Obama was going to put into control a fascist government in the United States, and that they were going to come and take all of his guns away from him. Why is this scary to me, when this sounds like some fringe individual doing this? It's not so "fringe" after all, because if you go onto FoxNews lately, you hear a lot about the fascist state of our government under Obama from the screech monkeys broadcasting on that station. Now, I'm a big believer in the freedom of speech, but one has to wonder if what they're doing is not somehow endangering people out on the streets, like this policemen, and or if it is endangering our President?
Turns out, this individual who did the shooting (Richard Andrew Poplawski) was a big fan of FoxNews, and also a big fan of a gentleman named Alex Jones who is a severe right wing conspiracy theorist, and radical talk show host. Where has Mr. Jones been making appearances lately to ply his new talking point of Obama being a fascist? Yes, FoxNews. He has been telling anyone that will listen (and lately, that's a lot of people) that Obama is starting to work on his program of gun confiscation. Why? So that he can rule the country, without fear of violent reprisal from its citizens. I kid you not. Among some of his other theories is that 9/11 was done by our own government, yeah, he's one of those 9/11 truth type people. Whatever that means. I'm sure that he could tell you maybe better than me. Check out his website, if you dare, at: Info Wars.
Now really, the thing that worries me the most about this, is the fact that here we have one guy, who, don't get me wrong, is completely responsible for his own actions, but who has prescribed to a radical ideology that is not even remotely close to being based in, something that most of us like to call, truth. These guys are projecting this idea, and these "facts" as if they were happening as we speak. Now, we've always had these types out there, but the thing is, is that places like FoxNews are now giving them mainstream exposure. In other words, the most powerful and most watched 24 hour a day new network is promoting these guys, and their ideas, and seldom to you hear them disagree with them. What worries me the most is that someone might get the false idea that Obama is usurping our Constitutional rights, and that someone might take into their own hands, "dealing" with that issue. I firmly believe that voices like these, give rise for the potential of increased amounts of danger to our President. And yes, even though I am a self avowed liberal, had these things been said and or televised about Bush, I would have the same concerns. There were plenty of left wing kooks out there proclaiming Bush to be the 2nd coming of Hitler, but that is stupid rhetoric, and I've always firmly believed that calling ANY American leader equivalent to Hitler is totally insane. The biggest difference, is that we didn't see these left wing loons given airtime on mainstream media outlets, and rightfully so. They're allowed to say, and propose theories all that they want, but should national news stations be giving them coverage and or exposure? I would think the best answer for that is no. Definitely, they should not be. FoxNews is doing just that. Not only are they doing it, but they have almost entire shows on it. Check out the new Glenn Beck show on FoxNews for a good example of the craziness. The man breaks down almost on a daily show, cries on air about how much he loves this country, and how we're going down a road towards socialism, and or fascism. Lately, his talking point has been fascism. He also claims that this is not directed towards any particular individual, but towards our government as a whole. Funnily, and strangely enough, when George W. Bush was actually usurping our Constitutional rights, Mr. Beck was silent on this matter. It was only when a democrat took the White House did he decide that he'd "had enough". Funny how that works.
Just a story to relate, and to show that this isn't just a few folks yelling this out loud. Last week, I went to the local Asheville gun show. I'm a hardcore liberal, but I like guns. I like shooting them, and I would like to own some. I think shooting is a fun activity, and when the gun show comes to town, I go and see what they've got. Anyway, I went, and ran into various people hawking their wares, and the common refrain that I heard from almost everyone manning a booth at the show? Obama was plotting and scheming to enact legislation to come and get their guns. Yes, the evil democrats were planning to come and get everyone's guns in a matter of possibly only weeks. And hence, I was offered AR-15s at almost every booth I stopped and looked at (for those of you who don't know, the AR-15 is the civilian version of the M-16 or M-4 assault rifle used by the United States military - only it's semi automatic, and not full auto). Why were they offering these so hot and heavy? Well, turns out, according to them, Obama is coming to get those guns, and you won't be able to buy them ever again. I also had a talk with the local militia folks, and the local folks who are part of the Glenn Beck 9/12 Project, which is a hoot to read through their website. Why? Mostly because all of their alleged values are values and things that the people talking about them (ie, Glenn Beck) say that they believe in, but they don't live those values. Check out the 9/12 Project website: 9/12 Project.
The thing that makes me laugh the most, is that they are trying to mimic what our founding fathers did. The best part about that, is that if our founding fathers were around today, people like Glenn Beck would be calling them fascists, socialists, treasonous, and traitors to their country. I have no doubt about it. What he wants to do is bring America back to 9/12, when we were all supposedly united in the wake of the terrorist attacks on our country. And here are his 9 principles:
1. America Is Good.
These folks seem to think that there are a bunch of Americans around who think that America is not good. He is so wrong, it's utterly amazing on this one. What he's really trying to get at, is people in America who love their country, and who points out its flaws, and where we can make things better. These folks want to believe that America can do NO wrong. Which is absurd, especially things that we've seen in the last 7-8 years. America is great, I love this country, and I don't think I'd want to live anywhere else, but to put on the blinders, and make believe we don't do anything wrong is bad, very bad. What is it they always say about those who don't study history are prone to repeat it?
2. I believe in God and He is the Center of my Life.
I don't really have a problem with this, although my belief in some all knowing and all powerful deity is dubious at this point in time in my life, I have generically no problems with others who do worship a God. Whether it be God, Allah, Buddha, or some other being. Thing is, these folks are Christian only. I guarantee it. They are planning some sort of demonstration here in Asheville shortly, I might show up, and claim I'm a Muslim, and see if they take me in. Chances are really good, they will turn their nose up, because the way I take this, is that it's a Christian only kind of thing. I could be wrong, but I doubt it.
3. I must always try to be a more honest person than I was yesterday.
Again, no problems with this really. Except that the man espousing this point (Mr. Glenn Beck) essentially lies and embellishes for a living, meaning, almost every new day, he's telling more and more whoppers on the air.
4. The family is sacred. My spouse and I are the ultimate authority, not the government.
Marriage/Family “It is in the love of one’s family only that heartfelt happiness is known. By a law of our nature, we cannot be happy without the endearing connections of a family.” Thomas Jefferson
I left the quote in here because he references Thomas Jefferson, and talking about the family being sacred and all. Funny, TJ had an affair with one of his slaves, never re-married after his wife died, and basically ignored his children. Sure, you and your spouse are the ultimate authority, as things pertain to the family. Who is saying different? Nobody really. Nobody at all. They like to make pretend that the government is telling you how to raise your children.
5. If you break the law you pay the penalty. Justice is blind and no one is above it.
This is fine as well, except when people start talking about trying to prosecute certain members of the Bush administration, folks like Glenn Beck get apoplectic about it, and start calling it a witch hunt, and useless, and pointless. Of course, because it is someone that they like.
6. I have a right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness, but there is no guarantee of equal results.
Of course there are no equal results. But, please show me where in the Constitution the rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness is found? It's not in there. It always makes me laugh with these guys who talk about these things that they want government shrunk down to be just small enough to, fit into our bedrooms. Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness is great, unless you're, for example, gay. Then you're shit out of luck according to the folks forwarding this.
7. I work hard for what I have and I will share it with who I want to. Government cannot force me to be charitable.
This is obviously a comment towards you know, having to pay taxes. You want a great country guys? We've got to pay for it. And right now, we're in a gigantic fucking mess leftover from the previous administration, and we've got to fix it. What is going to fix it? Probably lots of money. Nobody is forcing you to be charitable at all. It is totally left up to you as to whether or not you want to donate time and or money to worthy organizations. I would ask these folks, who is MAKING you be charitable? Nobody. Absolutely nobody.
8. It is not un-American for me to disagree with authority or to share my personal opinion.
I'm glad that these folks finally say this. Thing is, when I have disagreed with them before, I've been called un-American, traitorous, treasonous, and so on and so forth. It's amazing to read this, because even now, if you disagree with what Mr. Beck is saying, you're called un-American, or worse.
9. The government works for me. I do not answer to them, they answer to me.
Of course the government works for us. This is why we have elections. This is why elections have consequences. You don't like someone who is either a Senator for you, or a representative, or the President? You campaign against them, and get them removed from office. Of course they work for us.
Look, 9/12 Project folks. America was founded as a secular nation, because our Founding Fathers saw what religions did to people, and or to governments. The Constitution made sure that religion was as far from our laws as possible, as in, there is no mention of religion in the Constitution other than the fact that you can practice however you want. It's also funny to me that these folks are now coming out of the woodwork, now after a democrat has taken office, when during the reign of Bush, they were silent about all of this spending, about infringements on our rights. They had nothing to say. Thing is, why don't they just come out and say, we don't like democrats. We don't like Obama. It's better than trying to portray yourself as some sort of reincarnation of our Founding Fathers, which, sorry Mr. Beck, you're not even close. They would have tarred and feathered you, and ran you out of town on a rail.
Labels: 9/12 Project, Crazies, Glenn Beck