06 July 2007

Oh Scooter my Scooter...

Stop it. All of you conservatives out there, stop it. You know what I'm talking about.

You are all twisting yourselves around trying to justify Bush's commutation of Scooter Libby's sentence for perjury and obstruction of justice in the Valerie Wilson case, and you're making yourselves look like, well, freakin' idiots of the highest order.

Don't point at Clinton and say, "He pardoned people too." Yeah, we know he did, and guess what? At the time he did it, it was controversial as well, and he was also raked over the coals and rightfully so in certain cases in my judgment. But, Clinton also didn't pardon someone who exposed a covert CIA agent, and exposed the business front for her, and others operations on WMD proliferation around the world.

Don't say nobody was charged with outing Valerie Wilson as "proof" that Scooter didn't deserve what he got. If you have a hard time with this log, please look up the term "obstruction of justice" to understand exactly why nobody was charged and or convicted with outing Mrs. Wilson and her covert status.

Do remember that Bush said, time and again when running for office the first time, that he would bring honor and integrity BACK to the White House. Apparently, this means letting his staff expose a covert agent (yes, she was covert), and discuss highly classified information with reporters to sell the war in Iraq. But hey, nobody was getting a BJ under the desk, so I guess honor and integrity, restored!

Do remember that Bush also said time and again (himself, and his spokespeople) that if someone within his administration was found to have leaked classified information, then that person, or persons would no longer be working in the White House. Flash forward. Karl Rover, still employed as far as I know. Libby? He was still employed until he was indicted. Why hasn't Bush fired Karl Rove yet, and he just got his classified clearance renewed, again.

Do remember that Valerie Wilson (no matter what right winged conservative writers and defenders say) was a covert agent for the CIA. The CIA said so themselves, and have also said that the outing of Wilson as a covert agent has indeed put others at risk, and has destroyed a certain body of work that she, and others under her and around her, were doing. And also remember, that it was the CIA that asked for this investigation into her name being released in the first place.

Don't keep saying that Patrick Fitzgerald is an "out of control" prosecutor and that this whole thing was a partisan witch hunt. This is simply ridiculous on its face, and kind of disrespectful altogether. All through this long investigation, Fitzgerald actually conducted his work, and himself with grace and honor. He didn't pull a Ken Starr and tell people that he was going to get someone. He didn't intimidate witnesses. He didn't have press conferences where he made his partisanship known (Starr did all of those things, and a lot more). What he did do was to pursue the law to the full extent with which he was charged to do. And don't forget, Fitzgerald was a Bush appointee. As were 3 out of the 4 judges who ruled on this case (I think 1 of the judges was a George HW Bush appointee). This was not a partisan witch hunt, as the defenders keep saying. No. It was how an investigation of this nature should be pursued. And how did Bush appointees all of a sudden become highly partisan out of control judicial members? Again, stop saying these things, it makes you look incredibly ignorant and stupid.

Don't compare this whole fiasco to Clinton. Clinton didn't commute Scooter's sentence, Bush did. Clinton has been out of the White House now for 6+ years, and it's time for Bush and Company to take responsibility for their own actions and what they do, and to have the Bush apologists and cronies stop pointing the finger at Clinton. You guys in the Bush administration suck at this whole governing thing, stop trying to pretend that you don't.

I really do think that Bush commuted Scooter's sentence to keep him quiet. And this whole business about him having the conviction on his record, and having to pay a fine? Whoop-de-doo… Are you kidding me? He won't have to pay one cent of that fine himself, and within less than 3 months, I guarantee he'll have some high paying job within some sort of right wing think tank somewhere in DC making dollars hand over fist. I don't think that you'll have to worry about Scooter Libby making enough money to support his family. Oh no. I'm sure that all of his legal bills are paid for, and that he's got something nice and cushy lined up for himself.

What a farce this whole thing is. Sometimes, I can't even believe it myself.


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