29 June 2007

I think...

That it is about to all come on down.

Jorg is gonna break a piece off...

According to his lawyer, not only is he gonna to out himself as a doper, but he's going to be naming names. And of course, right before the Tour takes off. I'm thinking that he's going to expose a lot. The good old cycling Omerta, well, that's going to be blown as well. How many will he take with him down the rabbit hole when he lets loose with his doping charges and such? We'll have to wait and see what he comes up with on Monday I guess.

I myself will be interested to see what he has to say. Both for himself, and what he has seen, and who he has seen doing what. This could really blow the lid off of pro cycling though, it's not as if Jorg is a bit player, like Manzano was back in the day. He was a small time fish. Jaksche is a little bigger in the grand scheme of things. He's won some big races in the past, and he has had good contact with a lot of the top guys in the sport.

I, for one, will be waiting for the press release on Monday. Hold on to your hats boys and girls, it's going to get interesting.


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