Silly season...
And by silly season, yes I mean it is election time again. Which means there are ads, and attacks flying to a fro all over the place. I can't even believe some of the things that are out there this year. This makes the old Willy Horton ads of the Bush-Dukakis campaign seem tame in comparison. No wait, not seem tame, the Horton ad is tame compared to some of the corkers we have rolling around out there these days. Especially in the 13th District of North Carolina. Now, the guy who is running for office on the Republican side of things is a fire-brand. And that is putting it lightly. He is what some may call a hard core conservative racist bigot. OK, that's what I would call him. His name, Vernon Robinson. He puts himself out there as "The Black Jesse Helms". Now, that should tell you something right there. He's anti homosexual, he's anti immigrant, he's anti democrat, he's anti liberal, he's very pro war, and so on and so forth. He is actually what I might call a bad parody of someone from the right hand side of the political spectrum. In one word, he is "awful". That is the only way I can describe him really. Now I can't remember if I've written about him before or not, but he irks my ire so much, that I have to write more about him if I have written about him before. There is little or no chance of him getting elected, which makes me feel that much better, but to know that there is someone out there like this, makes me worry about the state of the country as a whole, and that there are a lot of people in North Carolina that appear to agree with him on his outspoken issues, makes me worry a whole lot more. Check out his website Dipshit for Congress, and make sure you take a good look at some of his ads that he has up there, and how he characterizes his opponent. It makes one sit there and stare in wonderment at how someone like this could even walk the face of the Earth, let alone actually get to run for Congress. The other thing that I can't believe about this guy is that somehow, some way, he got into the Air Force Academy. So somewhere in his little pea brain, he must have some brains, but he chooses not to use them at all, or so it appears. For instance, one of his character assassinations he puts out on his opponent, Brad Miller, is that he's middle aged, and doesn't have any children. This is made with the inference that if he is that old, and doesn't have any children, he must be gay. Sad, but true. That's how he put it. Vernon Robinson is a circus clown, who will never be elected to anything higher than a city councilperson, I hope. If the good people of North Carolina find it fit to plop his dumb ass down in an office in Washington, I might just have to move in protest, but this isn't going to happen (knock on wood). Actually, the latest polling numbers have his opponent, Mr. Brad Miller, running a good 18-20 points ahead of Robinson, so I think he is secure in his seat. If you happen to live in NC 13, and are reading this, please go out and vote this coming week, so that Vernon Robinson doesn't get into office.
There was another end to another sort of silly season this week. The fiance passed her final exams (orals) in order to start writing her dissertation. Needless to say, this is a load off of her shoulders, and has made her feel very good once again, about what she is doing in school, and the progress being made on her PhD. It has made her very happy, and I love seeing this, because her being happy is really what I like the most in this world, and what I want for her the most. Now, she is known as, The Fiance, ABD (All But Dissertation). I think she has started signing off on her e-mails like that, which in my opinion is pretty cool. I'm proud of her for sticking it, working hard, and getting what she wants. There was a lot of effort put forth on her part, and a lot of struggle, pain, and doubt that crept into her mind, but she worked hard, and here she is now, looking down the barrel of her PhD. It's pretty cool, and a delight for me to see. So, good work baby, you deserve it. After he oral exams this past week, we had to go and celebrate. A bunch of her friends, and myself rolled into a local watering hole in Chapel Hill for drinks, polite conversation, and food. It was good to see a bunch of her peeps come out to wish her well, and congratulations. Again, she has been working very hard on this stuff for a long time. Then, we got to go and have sushi the following day in continuing of her celebration, overall, a very good week really.
The work front for me, I am burned out, and have been, let's just say, apathetic at best the last couple of weeks. I'm sort of like Peter in Office Space. Just really doing enough right now to not get fired from my job. Next week, it's time to buckle down, and actually do some work next week, but for now, this weekend, going to enjoy the nice weather, and go out for a ride here shortly. I had a hard time sleeping last night, so needed to sleep in a touch this morning. I hate it when that happens. But it does.