Holy Hanna thank God it's over...
The other reason I'm glad the Tour is over, is my guilty little pleasure known as www.roadbikereview.com. There is a forum section on there, and I post on there, a lot. Not as much as some, but a lot. There is a procycling forum on there, and when the Tour started, the newbies came flooding in like a plague. I like newbies for the most part, but when different newbies ask the same questions over and over and over again, it's time to give them the verbal smackdown via the internet. For instance, I can't remember how many posts there were on there about why Alexandre Vinokourev was wearing a blue colored jersey as opposed to his team's regular color jersey (his regular color was pink, oops, I mean magenta). The first time, I could see this question being asked. It was because he was and is the Kazakh national champion, and his national champs jersey was and is blue. Easy enough. But when this question kept coming up again, and again, and again, and again, and I mean someone new would post this question every other day on there, it was time to go off on someone and tell them to use the damn search function. The same thing went for the question they kept asking about the yellow tabs on the rear of the bikes (transponder for timing and results). That question was asked I don't know how many times over the course of the Tour. I mean, come on people, just get a little clue about something, pay attention to the broadcast, because they answered your questions on there about a kajillion times over the course of the 3 weeks. I don't know why I let these things bother me. I don't know at all. I shouldn't, but they do, and then I answer. As sarcastically and as biting as possible. I can't help myself, and of course people get pissed about this, and tell me things like, "If you don't like the subject of this post, don't respond to it." You see though, it's like crack to me. I can't help it. I HAVE to respond to people being dumb asses. It's just my nature. It's not that I'm not a dumb ass either, because believe me when I say it, I am, it's just that they're being a bigger dumb ass than I could ever possibly be. I think if I ever went to a meeting of people that post on there, I would most definitely get beat down. There are only a few people on there that seem to think like I do, so maybe we could all be outlaws together or something, and form our own posse. Just maybe. Then there is the General forum, where people just post random thoughts, like, "I was on a ride today, and fell down." I hate to say it, but who the hell cares if you fell on your ass or not? Hardly anyone. Of course people respond like, glad you're OK, glad you were wearing your helmet, and so on. Which of course always leads to another thread about helmet use and its actual effectiveness, and then that will lead to whether or not you should wear a walkman while riding, and then campy versus Shimano. Those 3 threads. Walkman wearing, helmet wearing, and campy versus shimano are the battles of yore. They come up about once per week, and then you get 1000+ views, and 100+ responses to the most stupid questions. I've gotten involved with those before, never again my friends, never again. But like I said, I can't help myself sometimes. I think it might be a disease or something like that. It's awful. I'm taking myself away from it this week, and see how my life improves. It's sad when the jerkoffs in the procycling forum can piss me off more than the jerkoffs in the political forum. Now I know it's time to stop for a short while before I totally piss everyone off in there.
Speaking of sports though. Go and see the movie Murderball about the wheelchair rugby team of the US. It's good, it's a great look at this team, and their stories of how they got to where they are now, and how they approach life, sport, and their injuries. It's great stuff really. I couldn't highly recommend it more. I saw it this afternoon, and I was entranced. As with all movies that I think are great, if I kind of just go into a daze, and I'm totally into it, and don't talk and barely move during the movie, that's a good sign. That's how it was with this movie. So go and see it. I even recommend it as highly as say, Wedding Crashers, or Samurai Champloo. A few of my favorites right now indeed.
It's now approaching 9:50 or so in the PM on Sunday night, and this dog is tired. Time to rack out, and approach Monday morning with a zeal not seen since the time of, well, I don't know since the time of what really... It just sounded good. I dread Monday mornings indeed, as I have to go back to work at the place I call work. I hope I can get some stuff done this week, and not be distracted by how much it kind of sucks there. I know, I know. I can get through the remainder of this year pretty easy I think, and then maybe start looking for something new and exciting maybe next year. It's hard to give up the flexibility of the place that I work now, and it's hard to give up a boss who doesn't give a damn about much of anything aside from her kids. Now, don't get me wrong. It's great that she's so into her kids, but there has to be a line. She was on vacation last week, and was claiming to us, as loudly as she could, that this was her first week of vacation this year. Bullshit my friends, bullshit. That woman has been out of work more than she's been in I think this year, but since the other days were just half days here and there, and not "official" vacation days they didn't count. I can't actually remember a week when she's been in the office every single day, which is why I don't feel bad coming in early, and leaving early, or taking a fake "dentist" day here and there, and things like that. If she doesn't care about things; why should the rest of us? As you go up the food chain at my place of employment, it gets worse. The Plant Manager is even worse than my boss, but we get along well, so I've got that one dialed in. I do care about the quality of my work though, and I think I do a pretty good job on a daily basis, but I just don't feel too bad at all about bending the rules for my own benefit. Same as the rest of the folks that I work with. I will say this though. I still get there, put in my 9 to 10 hours per day and then leave. If I get there at 8, well, I'm stuck there until 5 for sure. But if I get there at 7, you can sure as hell bet that I'm taking off at 4. If I get there by 6:30, well, can't get out at 3:30, but 4 is the latest I'll go. But the job is getting boring more and more so, and the automotive quality world is usually just a bunch of people yelling at you all of the time. When you do bad, you get yelled at. When you do good, there's quiet. I like quiet.
10:00PM. Time to sleep.