07 November 2005

Working and being sore...

Of course after crashing hard the other day, and eating shit like you wouldn't believe, I spent most of the day on Sunday sitting on the couch licking my wounds, and watching TV. Turns out that things stiffen up the day after the crash a lot, and everything is just a touch bit sore. OK, a lot sore. Things that weren't hurting that much on Saturday were killing me on Sunday. The pain level on Sunday was a bit high. So I sat around with the leg elevated, and ate Advil like a fatman at a buffet. It was a good day. Snoozed on and off a bit here and there, and basically, tried to block the pain. The hook of course came at night when I got to take some Unisom, and that shit will knock a brother out. I needed it after not sleeping at all Saturday night because my leg was throbbing, and felt like it might fall off at any point in time. Luckily for me, the SO took pity on my sorry ass, and hung out with me all day long, doing some work, and watching me sleep on the couch, and of course gathering more medical supplies for me to place over my wounds, and last but not least, making me eat even when I didn't feel very hungry. Once again, you find a woman like that people, keep her. She is the best. I can say this here, because I keep telling her that to her face as well.

Now, going to work like this is a pain in the balls. For one, everything hurts, and you can't walk around work in a pair of shorts, well, at least I can't right now. On go the pants, which rub, all day long, over the raw exposed flesh underneath. Well, sort of exposed, I've got that stuff on Tegaderm lockdown for now. Had to change it out this morning, and this evening when I got home from work, just because the oozing and stuff is a little much, but it's doing a decent job. When the healing train really gets on the track, I'll probably just leave it on there for several days. Anyway, get to work, there are lots of people around, and of course, I have to tell the story of what happened oh, about 30 times today. Someone you know at work sees you walking around looking like a car crash victim, they're concerned. And that's nice. The story gets old though of course. Pretty soon I'm going to just tell them that I was bored at home this weekend, and took a cheese grater to my arm and leg for fun. Or maybe I'll make up a story about how I donated my skin to someone else for a procedure for a burn victim, or something like that. Maybe I'll just keep changing it so that everyone gets confused. Yeah, that's the ticket. In all likelihood though, I'll just keep telling the same old story. I'm not creative enough to come up with several stories, let alone keep getting the real story correct. This new program that I'm working on at the J-O-B is for this part called a propshaft. Jason knows what I'm talking about. Anyway, from my desk in the front to where the propshafts are assembled are on totally opposite sides of the plant. Since we had Ford in the facility today and tomorrow, it has facilitated the need for me to walk to and from my desk, oh, about 20 times today. Limping and hobbling the entire time, every time. Not a fun walk to do a bunch of times on a good day, at a bunch of road rash, a slight limp, and pain everytime your pants hit your torn flesh, and well, you have my day today. Mama always said there would be days like these, and unfortunately, today was one of them. Add into that the fact that I got to the workplace at 7AM, and didn't leave until 7:30PM, well, it just makes for a longer day. Of course, tomorrow promises to be just like yesterday, probably only longer. Which means I need to get to bed soon in order to get up earlier, and head back to the hellish hole known as the workplace. In a way, maybe it's good that I got hurt this weekend, because I wouldn't have been able to train this week anyway. Matter of fact, I was so damn busy today that I forgot to eat breakfast, and lunch. Didn't eat today until 8:30PM which is about when I rolled into the house and sat my chubby ass down on the couch. I guess this is why they pay me the big bucks and give me extra vacation time? Oh wait, nevermind, they don't do that. Damn... I'm wondering if I can get an extra day for like Thanksgiving or something like that from the boss. That way, I can make the trip from NC to Florida in a good amount of time. Don't want The Shawn to worry about the SO and I getting to Tampa too late before T-Giving. I'm pretty excited to head down there for Thanksgiving and all. The SO got to see my hometown, and now I can see her hometown. It'll be a good time I'm sure.

Time to wrap the wounds, and head to bed for the evening. Hopefully, I'll feel even better tomorrow after another harrowing day with one of my customers. If you can avoid going into the automotive supplying business, I say by all means, you should avoid it. I can say that after 10 years I could use a change I think, but what else can I do? We'll see if I can think of something else I want to do when I grow up. I hope I don't have work-mares tonight. If you've never had them, trust me, you're not missing much.


At 2:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't want to get your hopes up about Thanksgiving in Tampa-town. Don't get me wrong, Tampa is incredibly cool. And my immediate family rocks. The extended family. . . Let's just say that we are an interesting bunch.

PS Sorry work is sucking. Remember, if I get that great library job, you can quit and find something better!


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