15 September 2005

My Friend Jason...

My friend Jason, also known as, The Fart Sniffer (I'll explain later) has started a new blog this week. This is so that we can shame him into riding his bike and getting back in shape, and this is not such a bad thing. I can see where he's coming from on this. The guys who ride and race and work (unlike Chad you mo-fo) find it very hard to be motivated enough to ride enough to be competitive when you are racing the bike. So, hence, his blog, and his need for admonishment from the rest of the world when he's been bad, and praise for when he's been good. Now I'm just waiting for the before and after photos.. Now that would be something. Check out Jason's blog at the following:


Oh, it's worth checking out, just for the mere fact that Jason is possibly the funniest man alive (except for me of course). The man has more stories than just about any 4 people that I know, and hell, you can have an entire conversation with him, and not even have to say anything. Throw his brother Joel into the mix (funny that we both have brothers named Joel, but I digress), and there is enough energy to light up the freakin' Chrysler Building, no, really. I once drove to a race with the 2 of them and myself in the car, well, OK, more than once, but this one time it was post The Chad's wedding, and I was hung over from drinking too much beer, and skinny dipping in the pool at all hours of the night. I almost drove off the road heading to Morganton because the 2 of them were at about 13 on the Spinal Tap scale (as anyone who is in "the know" knows, their scale only goes to 11). Of course, on the way home, they felt the need to both fall asleep, until we got to Hooters, at which time, they were fully awake. Burgeoned with beer and bad food, they quickly fell back asleep. Joel once shit his pants in the back of my car though, and that was funny, but I digress once again.

Jason, we call him the fart sniffer for the simple reason of, when he lets one fly, he makes sure to waft it to his nose, and then pass it along to whomever is daring enough to sit near by him wherever he might be. Usually, it goes along the lines of, "Ooh... Oh God." Wafting action of the hand to his nose, and then, "Joel. Dude. Seriously... You've got to get a whiff of this!" At which point Joel will exclaim, "Oh gross Jason.. Here. Give me a smell." It's sad that I find this funny, but I can't help it. It just is.

I'm hoping though, that we can get the band back together for next race season, and have fun. Before, it was about hanging out with the fellas, riding bikes, making fun of people, and doing a lot of dick and fart jokes. This year, it's just myself and Chad, and now, just Chad, because I cut off racing early. Hopefully, everyone gets back together, and we have a posse once again.


At 8:10 AM, Blogger giantcu92 said...

I do what I can.


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