09 February 2008

Coming to a head...

As some of you know, after reading some of the things that I've written about my place of employment, things where I work aren't the best. Things came to what I would like to call a head yesterday. This is when my dumb ass of a boss decided that we needed to start working weekends on a rotating basis. Yep, weekends, you know, the time that I used to have free to do, well, things. No more. 

See, the thing of it is, is that I wouldn't mind coming in on a weekend here or there, if I weren't already working 60+ hours every week, but I am, and I would like to have some time off on the weekends to do something for myself, or with my wife, which would be even better. Yet, now I'll have to make the drive to my place of employ once every 3 weekends, and do MORE work. Yeah, good times. 

In lieu of this new announcement by this Lumberg wannabe, almost as soon as I got home yesterday, I started sending out resumes to various other businesses around where I live. Yes, I started the process, and continued it this morning by sending out more resumes to various other corporations and or companies. The place where I work is going to go down in a big ball of flame, and I don't want to go down with it, and I don't want to work weekends, so the job search begins. We'll see what shakes loose and what comes of it, I don't know for sure, but just about anything has GOT to be better than what I've got now. You know how they say the grass is always greener? Well, in this instance, I'm sure that it really is. 

About the working weekends thing, we (my department) basically told our boss that we weren't going to do it unless we get some sort of compensation. Meaning, extra pay, or extra vacation time, because as stated above, not only have I been working 60+ hour weeks, everyone in the department has been doing that, for quite some time now. We all need a break. The mechanical engineers that I work with, they have also been tasked to work weekends. After all of these pronouncements were made yesterday, the entire office region was buzzing with loathing for our bosses, and there wasn't really a happy person in there. Oh, yeah, and the material and production planners are going to have to come in on weekends as well. Basically, everyone is going to be working weekends. Talk about a morale boost eh?

I keep hearing from our managerial staff that "things are going to get better". Oh yeah? When is that going to happen? We've been hearing this same bullshit for well over 2 years now, and guess what? Yeah, it's not getting better, it's getting worse as we speak. And now, they're going to lose a lot of people because of this weekend business that's for sure, and from just the basic reasoning of nobody likes it there any longer. What would really suck for my department is if I left. Right now, I am the most senior person in my department, with over 7 years in at the company. I have a seriously sold base of knowledge about what goes on there, what happens with our products, how to review products, how to do our job, and I believe deep down that I do it well. Folks in my department, including my boss, come to me to ask me how to do things, or to explain things to them. When (not if) I leave, they're going to be in a world of shit. In order for me to stay, they're going to have to pony up some serious cash, or a change in title and cash, because barring that, it isn't worth it. Hell, even with that, it might not be worth it. Say I told them I was leaving, and then they wanted me to stay, and that they would bump my salary up a bunch. I might stay another year, cash in, and THEN leave. Who knows? What I do know though is that the place is getting the flush, and I, along with about 400 other people, are completely and totally unhappy about what is going on.



At 11:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a shite deal. Some other lucky company will snatch you up in a heartbeat!

At 11:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm glad that happened because I have been wanting you to leave for years. You should look on Craigslist in SF Bay area...lots of good paying jobs here. We'll put you up for a month if you do! Go West young man (and good luck). I'm happy you are considering your life (and your wife) more valuable than your work. Like the other commenter said, you will be snatched up.

At 8:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

wait wait wait wait .... your just now looking for a job?!? now after almost 2 years of bitching that you hated that one?

What are ya the one guy who they let out of prison years ago and keeps saying he's leaving if the food doesn't get better?

Tom, get a new job .... even if they offer you more money get a new job.


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