29 July 2005

Insomnia baby... It's the new blue...

Insomnia, such a bad word. And it is something that I keep suffering from it seems. Just when I think I’m over and done with it, this little thing pulls me back in. Take for instance the time I spent awake last night watching infomercials, and bad late night TV. Oh, 4:30AM is not a bad time to be awake, but normally, when I’m awake that late/early, I’d like to think it was because I was off doing something adventurous, and or exciting, and or maybe just getting sloppy drunk. Was that the case last night? Nope, nothing like that happened at all. I sat on the couch, and basked in the warm glow of television from roughly 7:00PM, which is the time I got home from work, until 4:30AM, when I actually felt tired enough to crawl into bed, and sort of fell asleep after laying there for 15-20 minutes. My advice, the whole counting sheep thing, it really does work, or well, just counting in general. So if you can’t count, that won’t work for you, but if you can count well, you’re in luck you silly bastards. Actually then, I got to sleep more like 4:45AM, which when the alarm clock goes off at 7:10AM (which is my drop dead time I can get out of bed, brush the teeth, throw on some dirty clothes, comb hair, slap on some deodorant, get out the door, climb into the car, and drive away and still make it to work by 8:00AM) does not leave much time for sleeping. And then when you hit the snooze button several times, well, it gives you a little more sleepy time, but not a whole frigin’ lot. Mister, I’m so tired right now, I feel like laying down on my keyboard at work so I can get a few winks. But since sleeping at work is a definite no-no, I’ll pass on that for now, drink a Red Bull and soldier on for the rest of the day. Speaking of sleeping at work though. BMT (Before My Time) at illustrious GKN Driveline in Roxboro, NC, there was a woman who worked in the quality department as a parts inspector on 3rd shift. She couldn’t make it through a complete 3rd shift without getting some shut eye, so she hatched this plan, and was successful at it for almost 2 years, where she would stash a pillow and a blanket in one of the lockers in the women’s locker room, and when she felt tired, she’d grab her gear, and hunker down in the women’s shower in the corner. This being 3rd shift, and nobody ever using the shower, especially on 3rd shift, this was an awesome plan. Her stretch of good luck came to an abrupt end when someone who had gotten something in their eye ran into said shower in the women’s locker room, and started up the water to flush her eyes, and lo and behold, someone got a little soaking. It was very George Costanza of her, but like George, she couldn’t get away with it forever, but hey, 2 years is a good run for sleeping half of the time you’re at work, and getting paid for it. Let’s not even discuss the sex scandals that have gone down in the training house we have on-site here. I’ve heard that the training house has probably seen more sex than some houses of ill repute. The drive home might be a little more treacherous though, we’ll see what shakes loose on that one. Hopefully, I’ve pulled all nighters at work, and was still able to get home safe and sound, so driving on a couple of hours of sleep should be a walk in ‘ze park. I’ve driven the route enough now, so that I could probably do it asleep with the eyes closed anyway. What’s up with me and long commutes? I could live in Roxboro and be close to work after all… HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Phew, that was a good one. Live in Roxboro. If you’ve never been to Roxboro, think about the middle of nowhere, and that’s Roxboro. I can’t even begin to explain how boring life would be living in town here. If I wanted to get a cheap house though, that would make it more attractive, but alas, I’ve come to the distinct conclusion that Roxboro sucks. I think there are possibly more rednecks per capita here than just about anywhere else within North Carolina, except for maybe Johnson County, which of course has the market cornered on all things redneck, and the sad fact, is that they’re proud of it. Immensely proud of it. It’s like a badge of honor amongst the folks that live there.

Lee and Jeannie’s wedding next weekend in and around Portsmouth, NH and Eliot, ME. I’m thinking it’s going to be a good time, mostly because there will be lots o’ booze, and fun and excitement for everyone. I’m actually not really psyched about going just yet, I almost didn’t go, but family members had good reasoning for why I should go, so I sucked it up, and bought the plane ticket yesterday. Of course I waited too long, and had to pay a little extra, but it wasn’t too bad. I just didn’t feel like going though for some reason. Nothing against Lee and Jeannie of course, because they’re both pretty decent people, but I just didn’t feel like dragging my ass up there for another wedding. I’ve been to about 15-20 weddings in New England over the last 6 years, and of course, people I know who were getting married couldn’t do it when I lived there, and would have made travel easier and less costly, nope, everyone has to get married AFTER I move out of the State of Maine. Oh well, it’s just something that we all suffer through I guess. Everyone we know getting married at some point in time. I’m truly happy for them though, I think they’ll have a great time together in this little process we call life. Speaking of weddings and such though, it’s really coming down to it now. Everyone I know, or just about everyone I know and am friends with is either married, or engaged. Even Jeremy McDaniel, is now engaged. Let’s run through the list of people I know that are married or engaged to be married:

Joel A: Engaged
Melissa: Engaged
Joel D: Engaged
Jeremy: Engaged
Jill D: Engaged
Steve-o Jones: Engaged
Sarah: Engaged
Sarah Neighbor: Engaged
Johnny Wall: Not engaged, but should be soon
Maureen: See J. Wall explanation
Jason D: Married
Jason Mc: Married
Amy: Married
Chad: Married
Alex: Married
Matt: Married
Becky: Married
Lyster: Might as well be married
Danielle and Phil: Might as well be engaged
Rich: Swinging single (he’s the only one)

All of the cool kids are doing it I guess (well, except Rich that is, but it’s probably because he’s got an alligator, no, seriously, he has a pet gator). Engagements and marriage, it’s like the new crack. I’m the last in the family actually to either not be engaged or married, and that’s OK, I’ve always been a loner in the general sense of things. Must be my highly independent/not easy to get along with streak that I’ve shown on occasion. Although I was engaged once, and well, that just didn’t take or work out too well. Sometimes, that’s just the way certain things happen. Although, at the time, it was not a good thing, I think that it is now, given my penchant for hating children now, and given the penchant for which the woman I was formerly engaged to wanted nothing more than to be a mother, I think there might have been strife in that situation after awhile.

Having kids for me would be like a nightmare indeed. I don’t want them, and don’t need them that’s for sure. There are only certain things I know in my life, and not having kids is one of them. Some of the others are: fearing the ocean and the creatures within it (one should fear and respect the ocean for all of its power and might), hating clowns (worst idea ever for kids in general), and hating seafood even though I’m from Maine, so I was supposed to be brought up on the stuff allegedly (hey, people, let me clue you in on something, not everywhere in Maine is close to the coastline). I know the whole not having kids thing is going to disappoint my parents, but oh well, they should be used to being disappointed in me by now. I’ll just let it roll. The closest thing I’ll ever have to a kid will be a dog. And even that would be hard for me to have alone, as I’m gone a lot, and travel a lot on weekends. The boarding costs would be killer indeed., well, that and the dog would hate me eventually I’m sure if I left it alone for every single weekend. Maybe a cat would do better??

OK, I’m going to go and slap myself around a little bit so I can stay awake here at work, and watch the clock like a hawk, because right now, it’s almost 10:00AM on Friday, so I have like another 6.5 hours before I can jet out of this place. Man, that’s sounding bad. 6.5 hours… Maybe I should have brought my blanket and pillow.


At 7:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You think J. Wall and Maureen will get engaged soon? Don't get me wrong, they are awesome together, totally loving and supportative. But I just wondered if they would "need" to get engaged/married if they already had this rocking relationship and lived together. . .


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