29 June 2005

Bush sucks (no not that band, although...)...

Bush is a dolt, an idiot, a man with nary a clue as to what’s going on around him, or in the world today. I think he’s surrounded himself with enough yes men and yes women that they tell him things, and he just believes them. This is very easy for me to believe due to past statements he’s made, such as something about not paying much attention to current events or the news, or listening to his speech last night on NPR. Is the world really that different in his mind? Some things that he said that come to mind to me are things like, we are winning this war on terror. Umm, statistics say otherwise. Statistics say that terrorism was on the rise for 2004 as compared to 2003, as compared to 2002, and as compared to 2001. It has been ever increasing since the time of our invasion into Afghanistan. The man also claims that things are going well in Iraq. Umm, let’s look at that again shall we? Over 1700 US soldiers are dead, over 12,000 have been wounded (many of them will suffer the rest of their lives with their injuries), over 8,000 Iraqi civilians have been killed just this year and this year is only half over, the insurgency in Iraq seems to grow everyday, and appears to be getting stronger (against the statements of Cheney who mentioned something about the insurgency being in its death throes), and Iraq is so unsettled after we’ve been there for over 2 years, that there is no possible way we can leave anytime probably in the next decade. If we pulled out now, chaos and civil war would rein in that country, and would probably carry over to other countries. Bush keeps talking about democracy in Iraq, but it’s not happened yet. Their politicians are getting killed by car bombers, and in an interesting statistic I heard last night, it was has been polled in Iraq that over 45% of the country’s inhabitants support the insurgents and what they’re doing. That’s just about ½ of the country supporting people who are purported as being the “bad guys”, while we prop ourselves up as being the “good guys”. Well, the people whose country we invaded unjustly, they don’t seem to view us as the good guys. We get blamed for everything, and it’s possible that this is rightly so. Water doesn’t come on. It’s the American’s fault. Electricity goes out again and again. It’s the American’s fault. My little sister gets blown up by a car bomb. It’s the American’s fault. I can empathize with their point of view because if we had not invaded their country, there are a lot of those things that wouldn’t be happening (such as car bombs, no utilities, and so on and so forth). Also, since we invaded Iraq, we have turned it into a terrorist haven. It’s not a safe place for them, because by our military being there, we make it dangerous, but it also gives them a new training ground. They now have an entire country on which to practice on live targets. The invasion of Iraq was viewed or is viewed by most in the Arab world as an attack on an Islamic nation, and an attack in Islam itself. They don’t see a deposed despot or a leader, they see an attack on their religion, and possibly later on down the road on their own sovereignty. Why stop at one Muslim nation when there are so many to invade in the region? It’s been the policy of the Bush administration to spread democracy throughout the Middle East, and since most of the other nations surrounding Iraq are NOT democracies, that places the rest of them firmly in the cross-hairs of the Bush administration. Luckily, we only have a few more years of Bush in the Oval Office, unless of course Jeb gets elected in 2008. I’m definitely moving to Canada or France if that happens. I wouldn’t be able to stand it I don’t think.

There are so many rosy predictions coming out of the White House right now it infuriates me. I mean, does he really think that the American public doesn’t pay attention to what is really going on? Yeah, well, that’s probably more or less true I have no doubt, but for the rest of us who are paying attention; oh my God! I can’t believe he thinks that some of us are stupid enough to listen to him and believe what he’s saying. Look Mr. Bush, you have to stop basing your entire foreign policy on the September 11th terrorist attacks. I have a feeling that before that day, he had no idea about what a foreign policy needed to be, or what one was. This was a man who had never even been out of the country except to go to Mexico, and he was supposed to lead us in foreign policy matters. Holy shit! I was scared. I’m even more scared now because ever since the terrorist attacks, that has been the make-up of his entire foreign policy. Have to get the terrorists no matter what. 300 billion in funding for the war in Iraq later, we’re no further along, and most would say, we’re deeper in the hole with resistance getting harder, and with more people getting killed. Imagine what we could have done with that 300 billion in America for whomever or whatever needed it? It would have paved the road for us, and made America a better place for everyone who lives here, but then again, the money wouldn’t have been there for social programs, and for things to benefit the common American, nah, we only “find” money like that when we are going to war. But by and large, there has been no sacrifice by the American public at large, we just bitch and complain mostly about inflated gas prices, and how we don’t want to pay them. Come on, you know it’s true for most of you.

We, meaning the United States of America, are never going to win this war on terrorism. As long as we survive as a nation, and long after that, there will be terrorists and people who are intent on doing this nation, and others harm in the name of whatever it is they think that they’re fighting for. It’s never going to go away. Our presence in Iraq only serves to increase recruitment for terrorists and terrorist groups, as essentially we are proving their main argument. Their main argument being that Americans want to take over the world, and especially the Islamic world because we’re a Christian nation. Afghanistan… Check. Iraq… Check. Who is next? I’m sure Washington has its sights firmly set on Iran, and will gladly send over warplanes at the first twitch of the muscle in Iran’s neck. We’re on hair trigger alert, and it won’t take much for the bombs to being falling in Iran. The war on terror is not winnable. Small special forces group searching out terrorist cells and destroying them is what is going to pare down the terrorist threat, not invasion of an entire country who really had nothing to do with terrorism in the first place.
The other thing that completely irks me about Bush is his insistence on mentioning September 11th in just about every single speech that he’s given in the last 4 years. He can’t make it an entire speech within invoking that single day. As I said before, you can’t base an entire foreign policy on one incident. He does a disservice to the victims of that day by mentioning it endlessly, and politicizing it for his own benefit as he did during the 2004 elections, and also by every single time he mentions it now. It drives me up a wall. Especially since he did nothing to prevent it (as far as I can tell), and used it to deceive the American public at large into thinking that Iraq had something to do with that day (they didn’t), and that they had WMDs and they were going to give them to our enemies. He promotes this war as protecting our freedom, protecting our liberty. What a joke. What a waste of life, time, and money for this country at large. History shall judge him very harshly, I guarantee that.


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